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BBC Bitesize Schools Tour 2023

Ellie Drozdowska • Dec 14, 2023

JBPL Goes Back to School

A member of the JBPL team was invited to take part in the BBC Biteseize Schools Tour, attending an all day events at Breckland School as a ‘professional panellist’. Alongside a BBC Radio Suffolk Broadcaster and Engineer for the National Grid, Ellie Drozdowska shared her school and career experiences, discussing what it means to be a Chartered Town Planner; what roles and responsibilities a Planner may have; and her personal journey through school, college and university.

The pupils were able to ask career and school related questions, in order to gain a broader understanding of what careers are available in the world of work, and what different ‘paths’ can be taken to achieve their career goals and the importance of ‘soft skills’ as well as qualifications in the workplace.

It was such a privilege to be involved in such an engaging and inspirational event, and to build relationships within the local community, and amongst other professional.

An excellent day that the pupils will have hopefully got a lot out of and enjoyed!  JBPL really enjoyed going back to school.

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